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Death by Pullups for 11/9/2015

By November 8, 20152 Comments

We have not done a “death by” for a while.  This type of WOD is rather unique in its level of difficulty.  Similar to an EMOM, a “death by” progresses over time starting every minute on the minute.  Unlike an EMOM, a “death by” gets progressively more difficult, adding volume and eliminating rest, the longer you go.  The “death by” starts off slow, performing one a couple of reps through the first few minutes.  However, the challenge starts to kick in around minute 7-9 as the volume starts to add up.  Your “death by” score is the last minute where you successfully completed the corresponding number of reps within that minute.

CrossFit Alloy WOD for 11/9/2015:

Gymnastics Skill Work:
Handstand Pushup Skill:
EMOM 6 Minutes:
5 Handstand Pushups

Death by Pullups
On Min 1: 1 Pullup
Min 2: 2 Pullups
Min 3: 3 Pullups
Continue until you cannot complete the pullups within the corresponding minute

Banded Shoulder Stretches on the Pullups Rig

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    On Min 1: 1 Pullup (Banded)
    Min 2: 2 Pullups
    Min 3: 3 Pullups
    Continue until you cannot complete the pullups within the corresponding minute

    On Min 1: 1 Pullup (Jumping)
    Min 2: 2 Pullups
    Min 3: 3 Pullups
    Continue until you cannot complete the pullups within the corresponding minute

    On Min 1: 1 Ring Row
    Min 2: 2 Ring Rows
    Min 3: 3 Ring Rows
    Continue until you cannot complete the ring rows within the corresponding minute

  • Joe DiMenno says:

    Platinum: 14 rounds (strict)

    Good job, Tony, in reaching 16 rounds!