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Partner WOD for 6/21/2017

Today’s WOD is a partner wod.  Two people will work through the reps together.  Each partner much do an equal amount of work.  You may break up the reps any way you choose.  When talking with your partner, keep in mind that if you do too much work you will burn out early.  However, if you switch often, you will waste time in transitions.  So, work to maximize your work.

Industrial Athletics WOD for 6/21/2017:

Partner For Time:
100 DB Snatches (50/35)
80 Cal Row
60 Bar Facing Burpees
40 Muscle Ups

6:30pm – Olympic Lifting with Forged Steel Weightlifting Club

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  • Scaling:

    Platinum: As written above.

    Partner For Time:
    100 DB Snatches (40/25)
    80 Cal Row
    60 Bar Facing Burpees
    20 Muscle Ups

    Partner For Time:
    80 DB Snatches (35/20)
    60 Cal Row
    40 Bar Facing Burpees
    40 CTB Pullups
    40 Push-ups

    Partner For Time:
    60 DB Snatches (20/15)
    50 Cal Row
    30 Burpees
    30 Ring Rows
    30 Push-ups (may use box)