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Reminder: Nutrition Challenge Meeting Sunday

By January 10, 2014No Comments
Don’t forget about the nutrition challenge information session this Sunday at 11:00 after Open Gym. If you are planning to participate, this is a must-attend event.
Here’s what you can expect:
  • We will outline everything you need to know about the Paleo diet.
  • You will have a chance to ask all of your questions about what will happen over the next 30 days.
  • The rules of the Industrial Athletics challenge will be explained and we’ll collect your $10 entrance fee.
  • You’ll be given a few recipes to get you started as well as a lengthy list of books, websites, and other resources to help sustain you throughout the next 30 days.
This is a terrific opportunity to start 2014 with cleaner eating habits and to (hopefully!) improve your performance in the box!  Plus, there is a cash prize for the winner of the challenge!
See you there!