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Row, Squats, HSPUs for 1/4/2018

Today’s WOD should be quick and get your heart pumping.  The WOD starts with a row that is on the longer end.  The row shouldn’t wear out your shoulders and your quads should recover quickly, so push the pace on the row and see if you can PR your 1000m.

Our Cardio benchmark movement for the month is DUs.  How many can you do unbroken?  We will test it today to set a baseline for retest at the end of the month.  If you don’t have DU’s yet, you goal all month will be to achieve 1, then 2, then 3, etc.

Industrial Athletics WOD for 1/4/2018:

Double Under Practice:
0:30 DU or DU practice
0:15 Rest
Test Max Attempt Unbroken DU or SU

For Time:
Row 1000m
Then . . .
3 Rounds
30 Squats
10 HSPUs

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  • Scaling:

    Platinum: As written above.

    For Time:
    Row 1000m
    Then . . .
    3 Rounds
    30 Squats
    7 HSPUs (1 ab mat)

    For Time:
    Row 1000m
    Then . . .
    3 Rounds
    20 Squats
    10 Piked HSPUs

    For Time:
    Row 750m
    Then . . .
    3 Rounds
    20 Squats
    10 DB Shoulder Press (25/15)