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Weighted Pullups and Rowing for 5/25/2017

Something a little different today.  The weighted pullup is a great way to build strength in our upper back and arms.  It will help make pullups easier and this is a good example of something our athletes can do if they need extra work to gain the strength to do more pullups without dropping from the bar.

Industrial Athletics WOD for 5/25/2017:

Gymnastics Skill:
21, 15, 9
Beat Kips
Ring Rows

1. 12 Min to Find Max Effort 3 rep weighted pullups
then . . .
2. Row 1000m for time

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  • Scaling:

    Platinum: As written above.

    1. 12 Min to Find Max Effort 3 rep Banded Pullups
    then . . .
    2. Row 1000m for time

    1. EMOM 6 Min: 15 Sec ISO Hold
    EMOM 6 Min: Max Effort Hang
    then . . .
    2. Row 1000m for time

    1. EMOM 6 Min: 15 Sec Ring Row Hold
    EMOM 6 Min: Max Effort Ring Row Hang
    then . . .
    2. Row 1000m for time