Today’s WOD is a partner WOD. Two of you will work through the reps equally. Each partner has to do 10 reps of each movements before the other partner can work. Push hard during your work and appreciate the rest in between.
Industrial Athletics WOD for 4/3/2018:
AMRAP 15 Min:
Row 20 Cals
20 Box Jumps (30/24)
20 Back Squats (155/105)
Platinum: As written above.
AMRAP 15 Min:
Row 20 Cals
20 Box Jumps (24/20)
20 Back Squats (135/95)
AMRAP 15 Min:
Row 16 Cals
16 Box Jumps (24/20)
16 Back Squats (115-95/75-65)
AMRAP 15 Min:
Row 16 Cals
16 Box Jumps (20/short box)
16 Back Squats (75/55)